complete the sentences as in the examples The Present Continuous The Present Simple or the Past Simple? 1 (Granny / teach me / NOW) 2 (Granny/…

04 ноября 2023

complete the sentences as in the examples The Present Continuous The Present Simple or the Past Simple? 1 (Granny / teach me / NOW) 2 (Granny/ teachme / when I was seven) 3 (they / swin / AT THE MOMENT) 4 (He / USE THE COMPUTER /now) 5 (He / use the computer / every day) 6 (He / use the computer / yesterday) 7 (I / learn the rules/ now) 8 (I / do exercises / now) 9 (I / do exercises / two days ago) 10 (She /' do the shopping / every friday

категория: английский язык


1) Granny are teaching me now. 2) Granny taught me when I was seven. 3) They're swimming at the moment. 4) He is using the computer now. 5) He uses the computer every day. 6) He used the computer yesterday. 7) I'm learning the rules now. 8) I'm doing exercises now. 9) I did exercises two days ago. 10) She does the shopping every friday.

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