Change the following sentences by using Future in the Past. Instead of "He knows that I shall come here again tomorow", say " He knew that I should…

08 сентября 2023

Change the following sentences by using Future in the Past. Instead of "He knows that I shall come here again tomorow", say " He knew that I should comehere again the next day".1) He says that we shall meet tomorrow2) the teacher of Botany says that our class will go to the greenhouse3) John says that the work willninvite us to celebrate his Birthday.4) He promises that the work will be finished in two days.5) My sister says that she will not spend much money on sweets

категория: английский язык


1) He sAID that THEY WOULD meet NEXT DAY2) the teacher of Botany SAID that our class WOULD go to the greenhouse3) John SAID that HE WOULD invite THEM to celebrate his Birthday.4) He promiseD that the work WOULD be finished in two days.5) My sister SAID that she WOULD not spend much money on sweets

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