5.Circle the correct word.1.A: Have we got a/ any /some onions? B: Yes we have got got a/ any /some but we need more.2.A: How many/ much/ any rise…

21 сентября 2023

5.Circle the correct word.1.A: Have we got a/ any /some onions? B: Yes we have got got a/ any /some but we need more.2.A: How many/ much/ any rise have we got? B: Not many/ much/ some. We need to buy a packet/ a loaf/ a bowl.

категория: английский язык


1.A: Have we got any onions? B: Yes we have got got some but we need more.2.A: How much rise have we got? B: Not much. We need to buy a packet.3.A: Would you like a cup of tea? B: Yes, I'd love to.4.A: Can I have some apples? B: Yes. How many would you like? 5. A: How about spaghetti tonight? B: I don't think so.

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