2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. 1) It (to be) _____ rainy today. It (to be) ____ sunny yesterday. 2) Pam (to ride) ___…

05 ноября 2023

2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. 1) It (to be) _____ rainy today. It (to be) ____ sunny yesterday. 2) Pam (to ride) ___ herbike every Sunday. Yesterday she (to ride) ____ her bike in Green Park. 3) My friends usually (to swim) ______ in the swimming pool at 5 o'clock. Yesterday the (to swim) ______ there at 7. 4) His sister usually (to run) _____ in the park in the morning. Last year they (to run) _____ near the river. 5) He (to read) _____ books every evening. Two days ago he (to read) a book about France.

категория: английский язык


1-It is rainy today. It was sunny yesterday.2-Pam rides her bike every Sunday. Yesterday she rode her bike in Green Park.3-My friends usually swim in the swimming pool at 5 o'clock. Yesterday they swam at 7,4-His sister usually runs in the park in the morning. Last year they ran near the river.5-He reads books every evening. Two days ago he read a book about France.

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