11. He gave / was given a present to her. 12. She gave / was given this present for her wedding anniversary. 13. My bike runs / is run very fast. 14.…

30 сентября 2023

11. He gave / was given a present to her. 12. She gave / was given this present for her wedding anniversary. 13. My bike runs / is run very fast. 14. Heknocked down / was knocked down by a bike yesterday. 15. Her house ruined / was ruined in the fire. 16. I don't know anything about building. I will have built my house / will have my house built. 17. Although she is a professional cook, she has all her cakes made / makes all the cakes. 18. She is a hair-dresser, so she has had her new hair-style done / has done her new hair-style. 19. I didn't go to the post office. I had all the letters sent by my secretary / had sent all the letters. 20. Our son had his bike repaired / repaired his bike. We are so proud of him.

категория: английский язык


GaveGaveIsKnockedRuinedBuiltMadeHas doneHad sentRepaired

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