1. nick (to look) after his sister till his mother (to come) 2. your baby (to sleep) now? — no, he (to play) with his toys 3. what she (towrite)…

10 ноября 2023

1. nick (to look) after his sister till his mother (to come) 2. your baby (to sleep) now? — no, he (to play) with his toys 3. what she (towrite) now? — she (to work) on her report

категория: английский язык


1. Nick had been looking after his sister till his mother came.2. is your baby sleeping now? — No, he is playing with his toys.3. What is she writng now? — She is working on her report4. Did their father return from his business trip last week? 5. He didn't play computer games yesterday.

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