1.Next year he … five (will be/ is) 2.Tomorow it … warm with a few showers (will be/ is) 3.Who do you thenk … (will win/ wins) 4.It…

13 ноября 2023

1.Next year he … five (will be/ is) 2.Tomorow it … warm with a few showers (will be/ is) 3.Who do you thenk … (will win/ wins) 4.It (doesn,train/ won,t rain) next week/ 5. Clother (are/will be) very different in the year 2010. 6.if youz (come/ will come) there firsy,keep a seat for me. 7.When you (find/will find) some material related to the topic,let me know. 8. When it (will get/ gets) dark, we (will light/ light) the candles. 9.He (will be/ is) anxious if you (will come/ come) late. 10. -There is a doorbell.- I (will go/ gj) and open the door.

категория: английский язык


1. will be2. will be3. will win4. won't5. will be6. come7. find8. gets, will light9. will be, come10. will go

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