1 Fill in do/does and answer the questions 1… . you take the bus to school? … .2… you like pizza?

23 сентября 2023

1 Fill in do/does and answer the questions 1… . you take the bus to school? … .2… you like pizza?

категория: английский язык


1. Do you take the bus to school? Yes, I do.2. Do you like pizza? No, I don't really like it.3. Do you live next to the school? No, I don't. I have to take the bus to get there. 4. Does your mother work in a bank? No, she doesn't. She's a doctor.5. Do your parents watch TV in the morning? Yes, sometimes they do. 2 My name's Eric and i'm a vet at the Zoo.Sometimes the Bengalia Tiger doesn't feel very well,so i take care of him.Mr Green is the zookeeper. He feeds the animals and washes them. He also cleans their cages, but he does not like it very mush.The animals love us and we love them too!

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