Срочно нада кратенькое сочинение на тему мой любий праздник (пасха, новый год и…

03 ноября 2022

Срочно нада кратенькое сочинение на тему мой любий праздник (пасха, новый год и т.д.) будет хорошо если на англиском только можно побыстрее заранееспасибо)

категория: литература


The essay. Meeting of new year and MillenniumI was lucky — I'm a witness and the participant of the meeting of the new Millennium! I love the New year. This is the most magical, mysterious and cheerful holiday. We are at home and in school always наряжаем the Christmas tree, have fun with the guys, and then — in a circle of relatives. This year we went to the new year's eve at Red square. There were a lot of people. There had to come in advance, as all the wishing not enough space, but we have come at nine o'clock, when still only going to the most forward-looking and hardy people. I was skating on the skating rink, and mom and dad and their friends sang songs joked and laughed. By midnight on the square has become closely. All were standing very close to each other and looked at the clock of the Spasskaya tower. In solemn silence clock began to beat the twelve strokes, and the people shouted «Hurray! » congratulated each other with the New year and admired fireworks. Such a beautiful firework I had ever seen. When the fireworks ended, the visitors of the square began shooting firecrackers, lit sparklers. It was fun and don't want to go home. I think that the meeting of the new Millennium I will remember for a long time.The new Year… That is associated with you with this word? Can be intense amusement,and can quietly spent time in the circle of family… To each his own. But in any case,this holiday was wonderful! The NG family is very friendly celebrates the New Year. People buy each other gifts, say nice words. On the New Year is a very beautiful holiday! ДЕзайнеры sew costumes for заказ. Создается feeling that you are in a fairy tale,where there is only princes and princesses. At this time even the air is saturated with new year's magic. An integral part of the New Year is the Christmas tree. It is installed in almost every house 12 hours of the night beat the clock all the families raised their glasses of champagne. Happiness shining eyes of all жителей. Они with pleasure conjecture желание. Кто trust in their execution, some don't. At 12, happy children find under a beautiful tree gifts. Some of them believe in Santa Claus. And,perhaps, сеществует kind old man with a white beard, which brings in the new year night the children happy! Never lose hope and faith in it! Santa Claus must exist in everyone's heart! I'm also eagerly waiting for magic, all of the favorite holiday. I know,at the XXII he will be truly чедесен! The new year is one of my most favorite holidays. You give gifts, dress up the tree, fireworks, lights, holiday feeling! … Little white-bearded old man in a red coat gives everyone gifts. Someone dresses up in a suit of the Snow Queen, and requests Kai fold of the letters «A» , «N» , «O» , «F» — the word «HAPPINESS» . Someone is going to have a Grand contest and someone prefers to spend «Clever» . Yes, everyone has their own plans. But every resident is preparing to this remarkable holiday. Imagine how many residents go for gifts, buy a Christmas tree from the cookies and will give, someone will send the card to, and someone just congratulation in the LAN. And someone gives the Board the site Кысам, and the on the run. Imagine how many people will be online! But we all have one and love the atmosphere of the holiday of the New year!

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