Твір на тему: «конфлікти та методи їх виріщень»

04 августа 2024

Твір на тему: «конфлікти та методи їх виріщень»

категория: английский язык


Every person throughout his life repeatedly faced with conflicts. Causes of them can be very diverse . They acquire special significance in terms of labor relations , as there conflicts if they are unmanaged , are not only able to disorganize the production, but also lead to greater social disruption . Therefore, knowledge of the nature of conflicts and their resolution seems to be very important.Practical experience shows that the management of conflict in an organization is one of the most pressing and complex problems. Management activity is always associated with the resolution of all sorts of contradictions. Conflict — a phenomenon familiar to everyone , especially the head of the organization. Nevertheless, many managers do not possess sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities to work with conflict and in most cases rely on personal experience and intuition in decision-making about this or other complex interactions of conflict within the organization. Often managers who can not concentrate in a conflict situation , take the objective position themselves instinctively try to prevent or postpone the conflict or that does not fully address the problems in the business team and does not lead to the desired results . Therefore, one of the functions of the manager as a person working with people — prevention of smoothing effects of the conflict , dispute resolution , the ability to bring people out of hatred of interest for cooperation and mutual understanding.Conflict management in the organization — it is one of the most important destinations in the activity of the head . From his conflictological competence depends on the success in solving complex problems and konfliktologicheskih success in general his managerial activities , building a healthy social and psychological climate in the organization. Lead without conflict is possible if such learning management whereby in a meaningful collaboration with other eliminated all destructive . This is a difficult task. But today we have the knowledge and experience to bring this goal . Do not use these opportunities pass them or not take them into account — means to lose qualification leader, manager.Studies conducted in the area of conflict for centuries. As for managers , they are more willing consumers and students achievements psychologists rather than creators. Hence it can be a false conclusion that a manager should calm down on this issue , read a couple of articles in magazines for general reference book or learning the wording category "conflict" . On the contrary.the manager assigned more important task: we need not book theorizing on the basis of the "great ideas" , but real steps taken to effectively address the issue "on the ground ".This determines the relevance of the research topic

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