Срочно нужен рассказ на английском про масленицу с традициями 11-12…

28 июля 2024

Срочно нужен рассказ на английском про масленицу с традициями 11-12 строчекпожалуйста

категория: английский язык


Вот пожалуйста выбирай сама что надо: Teacher of the holiday story of Carnival.Pancake — ancient Slavic feast we inherited from the pagan culture. It's funny seeing winter, illuminated joyful expectation of the warmth of spring renewal of nature. Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Carnival, had a ritual: the round, rosy, warm, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared brighter, lengthening days. Mardi Gras has become a mass celebrations, marking the winter, with carnivals, masked faces and riding three horses with bells, burning effigies of winter and sledding from the mountains, taking the snow town and other noisy and fun games and amusement facilities.Traditionally, the carnival painted by day for a week. Monday — meeting Tuesday — zaigrysh, Wednesday — Gourmet, Thursday — binge, Sunday — cracks in the evening, Saturday — Zolovkina gatherings, Sunday — seeing, forgiveness day.*Monday — meetingBy the first day carnival arranged icy mountains, swings, tables and sweet dishes. Children get along in the morning straw doll — Carnival, dressed in her coat and hat, sit down on the pole and the singing were taken in a sleigh through the village. Pancake then put on a snowy mountain, where started sledding with songs."And we met a Pancakeon Gorushko visited. "Tuesday — zaigryshFrom that day festivities began. In large wooden booths gave performances led by Parsley and oil grandfather. Youth big companies rolled around in threes. It was held in high esteem, and other fun entertainment — skating with icebergs.Wednesday — GourmetShe opened treat all homes pancakes and other dishes. Everywhere there were theaters, concession stands was brought down with a hot, red-hot nuts, honey cakes. Here, in the open air, from the boiling samovar could drink tea.Thursday — BingeOn the fourth day begins the real orgy! Carry an effigy on the wheel, skate, sing songs, start caroling, perform different rituals to create fist fights.Friday — Teschin pmMany Shrovetide customs helped young people to find a mate and to accelerate the wedding. And really, how much attention and honor to bear on Carnival newlyweds! Tradition demands that they went dressed "for the people" in the painted sleighs, and visit all those who walked before their wedding, to inaugurate the songs rolled down an ice mountain. But the most important event of the day was a visit to his mother. If in-law was on her mind, she baked pancakes for him, and made a feast.Saturday — Zolovkina gatheringsOn this day, built a snow town with towers and gates, then gang divided into two parts: one guarding the town, others had to take it by force. A young bride hosted relatives.So, every day of the week followed by riotous special meal.Sunday — off, Tselovalnik, Forgiveness DayIn the last day of a straw man, "Carnival" solemnly burned, and the ashes scattered in the field, to give effect to sowing, the next harvest.On this day to forgive all wrongs.

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