Somebody rewrote the story but changed the sentence order. Could you save the story? Put the sentences in th right order Помогите…

17 августа 2024

Somebody rewrote the story but changed the sentence order. Could you save the story? Put the sentences in th right order Помогите пожалуйсто это из 5"А» класса Нужно востановить порядок толи слов толи предложений а) The day was hot. She couldn't smell the dog and walked ten flights up. Then Peter Hatcher and dog Turtle came into the lobby. Sheila was very tired and she couldn't finish her Maths at school. Sheila stepped out of the lift and held her nose. She walked into her department buliding thinking of a good, big cold drink he asked henry to wait for him. Henry, the liftman , opened the gate and sheila stepped in. She pushed the Up button and waited for the lift. Sheila thought the lift was too smal for that dog, but Henry disagreed with her and waited for Peter

категория: английский язык


The day washot.Sheila was very tired and she couldn't finish her Maths at school. Shewalked into her department buliding thinking of a good, big cold drink he askedhenry to wait for him. She pushed the Up button and waited for the lift.Henry,the liftman , opened the gate and sheila stepped in. Then Peter Hatcherand dog Turtle came into the lobby . Sheila thought the lift was too smal forthat dog, but Henry disagreed with her and waited for Peter.Sheila stepped outof the lift and held her nose. She couldn't smell the dog and walked tenflights up…

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