Сочинение на тему «Почему я решила стать юристом»

01 августа 2024

Сочинение на тему «Почему я решила стать юристом»

категория: английский язык


I love to watch television programs affecting law and order problems . One evening was the transfer involving Anatoly Kucherena interesting man . I am attentive to every word he said , every thought, because they were clear, concise , understandable to all participants in the dialogue . Later I found out that Anatoly Kucherena is a Doctor of Law , one of the best lawyers in Russia. He achieved great success in their lives through hard work and perseverance , sincere devotion to his favorite cause . To me, he immediately became a role model . That's the person on the screen and even influenced somewhat changed the whole course of my thoughts about the future profession. I finally decided to become a lawyer.In my view, the legal profession is very honorable and essential . Every person living in society, should understand it . What is she interested in me? First, the fact that the activity and requires constant contact with people , and I am a very sociable . Being with people — my calling.Secondly, to work as a lawyer — so do good people to seek justice in accordance with law .Third, work as a lawyer is not only honorable and prestigious, but also profitable. This work is a good stepping stone to move up the career ladder up to the head of a major company.To become a professional lawyer , you need to learn a lot: it is necessary to master the various legal terms , concepts , just to understand the huge amount of codes, laws need to be a psychologist to some extent to the people not to panic and can successfully defend their rights . All this requires a good memory , endurance, stamina and courage. That is why not all people can be lawyers , but only a few. To this category and I am .This profession stretches my soul , and only with her, I really want to connect my life . I want to become class expert in jurisprudence . For this, I chose to study in the socio- legal class. Jurisprudence — my favorite subject , and I give him more time and attention than others . Easy to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life, giving advice to classmates , friends. This year for the first time participated in the urban subject Olympiad , taking third place . But to stop there is not going to. Plan next year to do better and to speak at the national level already .I think I will succeed . I often say that the country has in recent years produced a huge number of lawyers and their wages low , many graduates do not work in their specialty, I think that there is always a qualified person worthy work . I will never leave their intended plans , whatever the obstacles did not get in my way. It is no coincidence as his life motto I chose the words of Goethe: " The difficulty increases as you get closer to your goal. But let each one makes its way like stars quietly , slowly, but constantly striving to the target . " His goal in life I see in professional success , respect for others and a sincere desire to do what he likes .

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