Проверьте, пожалуйста, рецензию на фильм "Fighting" (только грамматические ошибки,…

07 августа 2024

Проверьте, пожалуйста, рецензию на фильм "Fighting" (только грамматические ошибки, можно не смотреть на содержание) “Fighting” is one ofthe typical American social dramas. I don’t think it`s really action as we can see in the different websites` descriptions of the film. Of course this movie is a thriller formally because of many fights, but there are so many conversations and almost all of them are really empty.

категория: английский язык


“Fighting” is one of the typical American social dramas. I don’t think it`s really action as we can see in the different websites` descriptions of the film. Of course this movie is a thriller formally because of many fights, but there are so many conversations and almost all of them are really empty. (я бы заменила слово conversation на слово talk — будет ближе по значению «пустые разговоры") The script is quite simple: Sean MacArthur (Channing Tatum) is a street hustler. He is the kindhearted son of an Alabama wrestling coach; Sean lives and sells fake products on the (лучше in the streets) streets in (я бы сказала of) New York. By the chance he meets Harvey Boarden (Terrence Howard) who offers him to take part in a fight for 5000 $. Sean quickly accepts (He believes in himself 100%) (я бы употребила фразу в прошедшем времени He believed in himself absolutely) and soon he has (had — согласование времен) won the first fight with (может быть, against) a Russian guy in Brooklyn. There are 4 fights and Sean has won all of them. I like (скорее всего, liked) only third fight with (against) an Asian fighter (здесь нужен страдательный залог — who was played) played by a real champion in Mixed Martial Arts Kung Le. It`s (was) really incredible and exciting.Next Sean MacArthur “finds his fate” – Zulay (Zuley Henan) , beautiful Spanish single mother. If I was asked about the best player, I would say that this is (was- согласование времен) Zuley Henan. Channing Tatum plays (played) unconvincingly. Yes, he is really purposeful, but if we speak about fights -he can`t fight. I remember his playing in “Step up” and in “She is the man” . There he looks good and he wins the attention to female audience.Harvey Boarden is (добавим слово also?) fine but he doesn`t impress me. His speech is slack and slow and I feel like going to sleep.I like the relations between Sean and Harvey. May be it is going to be a true friendship.We have the happy end. Sean wins the last fight with the guy from before – Evan Hailey. He is “a bad man” . Because of Hailey Sean left his father. But it all behind (мне не нравится грамматическая структура предложения) and as it (добавим подлежащее?) stated in one of the songs of the Beatles "Everybody is happy, everybody is laughing". Хорошая работа, но мне кажется, Вам надо определиться со временем повествования. Вы излагаете события последовательно, следовательно, нужно все повествование вести в PAST временах, а не менять время глагола от предложения к предложению. Удачи! С Новым годом!

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