Прошу помочь с написанием essay на любую из следующих тем: 1. The local newspaper has asked for articles…

11 октября 2024

Прошу помочь с написанием essay на любую из следующих тем: 1. The local newspaper has asked for articles discussing the pros and cons of creatingcycle lanes throughout the city. Submit your article

категория: английский язык


Animals are amasing creatures! It's really interesting to watch them and learn new things about them. A sad thing about keeping an animal in a zoo is the hard conditions that the animal will have to live in. Well, for one, the animal that is caught in the wild is confined to a cage. No matter how big the cage is — it's still much smaller space to live in than in the wild. While they arfe in the cage, it's obvios that the carnivouros animals cannot hunt for food. The zoo suplies it with meat that is already dead everyday, so the animals hunting sences become duller.This is all hard to explaine, but I think it might be easier to demonstrate it like this. Imagine yourself in the place of the animal. One day, you are caught and taken away from your home and family. You are then placed into a cage that is far to small to move in after what you are used to. Sure, you're fed everyday, but it's still not the same feeling as eating in the wild. Kids come to see you everyday and cause a lot of noise. Other animals in the zoo tell you that the've been here for years already so that probably means that you wont leave this place any time soon.Now, don't think that zoo's are terrible places to be in. Zoo's can be very nice places for animals to live in too. A lot of animals that are caugtht in the wild were in somekind of danger, so by bringing them to the zoo, humans are able to save them. Especially if the animal gets a clean cage and good food everyday it might be really good to be in a zoo.After all that I wrote, I will leave it up to you to deside what you will about zoo's. There is enough evidence in here for one to like or dislike a zoo. The choice is up to you.

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