Present Continuous в действительном залоге. Оборот to be going to do smth. Past indefinite (Simple) в…

08 августа 2024

Present Continuous в действительном залоге. Оборот to be going to do smth. Past indefinite (Simple) в действительном залоге 1. Open thebrackets.

категория: английский язык


Thomas is a student. He studies at the London nautical school and he wants to be a radio-officer. But now he has his holidays. He is in Bristol now. He is staying at the Hilton hotel at the moment. He usually stays here because he likes it very much. He is writing a letter to his parents now. He always writes to them when he is away. He is going to leave for London tomorrow evening. He is going to take his exam in English in a week. He is going to pass it successfully. Besides he has a girlfriend Jane by name. They are going to marry very soon.

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