Правильно ли я составила предложения? Можите что-нибудь добавить еще про эту…

06 августа 2024

Правильно ли я составила предложения? Можите что-нибудь добавить еще про эту газету. Заранее спасибо). In our city, there is a popularnewspaper called VABank. This is an interesting paper because a lot of people read their news. The newspaper is published once a week. It contains a lot of information that describes the lives of people in the city of Krasnodar. Also there are many interesting news and exciting articles.People love this newspaper and read with great pleasure.

категория: английский язык


There is a popular newspaper VABank in our city. It is an interesting newspaper because a lot of people read it. The newspaper is published once a week. It contains a lot of information that describes the lives of people in the city of Krasnodar. Also there are many interesting news and exciting articles. People love this newspaper and read with great pleasure. Так правильней! Я незнаю эту газету, поэтому ничего не могу добавить.

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