По английски описать любую картину

22 августа 2024

По английски описать любую картину

категория: английский язык


I’ d like to tell you about a picture that I like verymuch. It makes me feel happy, calm and sensitive. When I look at her myproblems seem too little, and I forget about them. So, I don’t know thepainter. I don’t know he is an amateur or a mateur artist. I can’t findinformation. I am not the expert in this field but I think it is a groupportrait with elements of symbolism. Why do I like it? This picture is watercolour painting. I believe that the authorpainted it from imagination. He tries to convey emotions and mood of twowomen, their happiness. Look at the composition. He places on theforeground two Japanese women which are represented standing. They aresmilling and you can feel their happiness. They are dressing in luxuryclothes. You should pay attention on the dresses which are coloured intypical ornament and colours of the country. On the background we cansee the symbol of Japan. It is tree with pink leaves. It captured myattention. Also on the background you can see the house and themountains. The artist don’t emphasize contours purposely. The sky isgrey but it isn’t depressed. The colouring is great. There are manydifferent and bright subtle colours which play with mind andimmagination. Everything is combined into harmonious unity. The soft and delicate colours are dominated in the picture. You can see how the artist used the light and shade effects.I think this picture is lyrical and poetic in tone and atmosphere. Ilike it very much because it gives me a sense of tenderness, happinessand peace of mind. In conclusion I would like to add that it is anunsurpassed masterpiece to me. I recommend everybody watching thispicture.

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