Написать сочинение по анлийскому языку о Древней цивилизации Майя. 15-20…

23 июня 2024

Написать сочинение по анлийскому языку о Древней цивилизации Майя. 15-20 предложений.

категория: английский язык


Maya civilization of Mesoamerica, known for his writing, art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. Began to emerge in the предклассическую era (2000 BC — 250 ad) , the majority of its cities reached the peak of its development during the classic period (250 to 900 A.D. the). At the time of arrival of the conquistadors was in serious decline.The Maya built stone city, many of which were abandoned long before the arrival of Europeans, others were inhabited and after. Calendar, designed by Maya, used and other people of Central America. Applied hieroglyphic system of writing, partially decoded. There are many inscriptions on the monuments. Created an effective system of farming, had a profound knowledge in the field of astronomy.Descendants of the ancient Maya are not only modern Mayan peoples, preserved the language of their ancestors, but part of the Hispanic population of the southern States of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras. Some Mayan cities included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites: Palenque, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Mexico, Tikal and Киригуа in Guatemala, Copan in Honduras, Joya de Ceren in El Salvador is a small village of Maya, which was buried under volcanic ash and now excavated.

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