Нanuшuтe noжaлyйcтa мнeнue o дoмax npecтapeлыx. 15 npeдлoжeнuй, нe мeньшe. И жeлaтeльнo, noбoльшe…

19 июля 2024

Нanuшuтe noжaлyйcтa мнeнue o дoмax npecтapeлыx. 15 npeдлoжeнuй, нe мeньшe. И жeлaтeльнo, noбoльшe npuдaтoчныx пpeдлoжeнuй, a тakжe, мoжнo ucnoльзoвaтьвonpocuтeльныe. Зapaнee блaroдapю!

категория: английский язык


Nursinghomes have become a common thing in today’s society. These places are made forold people who want to live safely. Another reason why old people go to thisplace is that some children can’t afford to take care of their parents. In anursing home and old person can be sure that the staff of a nursing home willtake care of them so they will never be hungry, thirsty of untidy. Old peoplethere usually read books, watch TV or just talk to each other. They can bevisited by their family, which is very important, because they miss theirrelatives very much. Those people who aren’t often visited by their children orrelatives need more care and attention. Nursing homes provide old people notonly with physical care but also with psychological one. For example, if an oldperson is under stress they will be taken to the psychologist where they willbe able to discuss the problem. Nursing homes also provide old people withhealth care, which is very useful for old people. All people are always undercontrol in a nursing home. The strict timetable, which is a part of life there,is obviously good for retired people as their life will become easier. Therealso are some rules of behaviour, such as acting politely or smoking ban. Allthere aspects of life in nursing homes give old people an opportunity to live ahappy life. Living in a nursing home is a chance for old people to spend theirlast days in safety and comfort.

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