Люди, помогите, пожалуйста! Я вас очень прошу! ПОЖАЛУСТА! Пример: 0) In 1989, Canada joined…

08 сентября 2024

Люди, помогите, пожалуйста! Я вас очень прошу! ПОЖАЛУСТА! Пример: 0) In 1989, Canada joined theOrganisatinion of American States.

категория: английский язык


Canada was recognized as the one of the wealthiest countries with strond democratic traditionsCanada exports a large propotion of its production.Canada trades with America, China and Japan.Canada links with the EEC and other traditionsl European trading nations.Canada became a member of United Nations in 1945.British, French and American cultires and traditions have enormous influention in Canadian culture.The country is highly developed in the fields of health, education, social protection and huma rights.

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