Как спасти нашу планету? Сочинение на английском.

07 августа 2024

Как спасти нашу планету? Сочинение на английском.

категория: английский язык


Save Our Planet! People spend huge amounds of money to explore space while lots of people living on the Earth have very dangerous diseses as AIDS. Every day we eat food wich is half of soya or has other non-natural ingredients. We waste a lot of water and polute it at the same time.We invented atomic and nuclear bombs,new spaceships wich could be pushed off the Earth and couse death.It is obviously how successfuly people are destroing their planet. There are lots of environmental problems-endangered species, water shortages, air polution, tones of litter… Why we can not live without genetically modified products? Because we would not spend a lot of money to buy natural fruits and vegetables, but we want to know all and explore the space, we are starving of spending money again and again! Do not we want our next generations to be mutated? Of course — no! People must stop destroing the planet. They have created a lot of ptoblebms so they are responsible for the solution. I think the solution begins with the realization that nobody but we ourselves are hosts of the Earth. We must hurry up to save our planet!

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