Read and correct mistakes.Dear Granny,we haven*t got some money after our shopping.But we have gota lot of food. Look. There is two bottles of oil…

08 сентября 2023

Read and correct mistakes.Dear Granny,we haven*t got some money after our shopping.But we have gota lot of food. Look. There is two bottles of oil and three cans offish. There are also some meat and two jars of cream. We havegot 2 bags of sugar. Now we need some jam for tea. Mum is away.Your grandsons, Willy and Sam.

категория: английский язык


Dear Grandmother,we have the money, and after our shopping. we boughta lot of food. two bottles of oil and three banksfish. There are also meat and two jars of cold cream. We bought2 bags of sugar. Now we have to buy a jam for tea. Mother is away.your grandchildrenWilly and Sam

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