Помогите, пожалуйста раскрыть скобки (прошедшие времена) 1.I (see) my first baseball game when I…

14 ноября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста раскрыть скобки (прошедшие времена) 1.I (see) my first baseball game when I (live) in NY. 2.Katy (be) younger than Tom and (stay) with heraunt since her mother died. 3.-Where are you going? -To the Smith's house,she replied. -They (offer) me a job in the kitchens. 4.One day I was walking home from school when I noticed 3 men in front of me.They (just/get) out of a car and they (carry) a blue bag.

категория: английский язык


1.I saw my first baseball game when I lived in NY.2.Katy was younger than Tom and had been staying with her aunt since her mother died.3.-Where are you going? -To the Smith's house,she replied. -They offered me a job in the kitchens.4.One day I was walking home from school when I noticed 3 men in front of me. They had just got out of a car and they were carrying a blue bag.

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