Нужно поставить Past Simple bkb Present Continuous.1) The teacher opened the door and asked^-Boys,what… .you… (do) & -We… .…

08 сентября 2023

Нужно поставить Past Simple bkb Present Continuous.1) The teacher opened the door and asked^-Boys,what… .you… (do) & -We… . (learn) the new words.-Then why… you… . (sit) under the desk& -Becaus we … . (Look) for a pen.-… you… (be) ready to write a test? -Yes, we… 2) Can I… (use) your red pen, please? -Sorry? I … . (use) it now/3) I never… (use) the calaculatour at school.4) Can you help me, please. I… (try) to turn on the computre.5) Every day my mother… . (try) to teacher my little brother how to do morning exercses.6) The sun… (shine) brightly, let`s have lunch in the garden.7) The sun… (shine) brightly in August.

категория: английский язык


1) The teacher opened the door and askedBoys,what are you doing-We learned the new words.-Then why are you siting under the desk-Becaus we looked for a pen.-Are you do ready to write a test? -Yes, we are . На счет предпоследней строчки не особо уверенна

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