Написать про свою любимую пору года

11 ноября 2023

Написать про свою любимую пору года

категория: английский язык


My favourite season is summer.I think it is the best season of the year. The main reason we have long holidays and don*t go to school. The second reason- I have my birthday in July. It is the happiest day of the year. Besides the weather is always fine. Sometimes it is hot but it is almost always sunny, cloudless and warm. Everything around is green and there are a lot of flowers in the fields and gardens. Of course. we have some rainy days but they bring us shotr relax after hot ones. There are thunderstorms with lightnings in summer. I am afraid of them. We can swim and sunbathe in summer. People go to the forest to pick up berries and mushrooms. We gather vegetables and fruit in the village. I like summer!

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