Do the crossword and answer.what can Bob do very well? 1.I can r… a bike. 2. Masha is a g… friend. 3.My teacher is very c… . 4. I I… to music…

19 октября 2023

Do the crossword and answer.what can Bob do very well? 1.I can r… a bike. 2. Masha is a g… friend. 3.My teacher is very c… . 4. I I… to music with my friend. 5.My friend has got blue e … . 6. I've got dark h… . 7. Mike has got s… fair hair. 8. I go for a w… on Saturday. 9. We play computer g… together. 10. I watch T… on Sunday. 11. I play football on W… .

категория: английский язык


1.I can ride a bike. 2. Masha is a good friend. 3.My teacher is very clever. 4. I listen to music with my friend. 5.My friend has got blue eyes. 6. I've got dark hair. 7. Mike has got so fair hair. 8. I go for a walk on Saturday. 9. We play computer games together. 10. I watch TV on Sunday. 11. I play football on Wednesday

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