Conditionals Type 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, as in the example. 2 If Tom won the lottery, he… (buy) a house in thecountry.

21 сентября 2023

Conditionals Type 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, as in the example. 2 If Tom won the lottery, he… (buy) a house in thecountry.

категория: английский язык


2 If Tom won the lottery, he would buy a house in the country.3 If she studied harder, she would do better in her exams.4 If I bought this jacket for you, would you wear it? 5 If the team tried harder, they would win the championship.6 If Bill drove to work, he would get there faster.7 If I were you, I would buy her a scarf.8 If we moved house, I would miss my friends.9 If Juliу had time, she would learn how to type.10 If they didn't like Chinese food, they wouldn't order from the Chinese restaurant all the time.11 If Tom was taller, he would become a basketball player.12 If my father was a baker, we would eat fresh croissants every day.

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